Our vision is that Capra Science's efforts will set new animal care standards and contribute globally to an improved animal welfare within the antibody industry.
The Business of Improving Animal Welfare
Our ambition is to contribute to research by studying the relationship between antibody quality and animal wellbeing. Why is this important?
- We know that it's a financial gain to work with healthy animals. Results and products are simply of better quality.
- We strongly believe that it's our overall responsibility as human beings to respect the lives of the animals that are in duty of Life Science and enables modern health care.
What We Are Working Towards
To enable modern health care as we know it, laboratory animals are unfortunately still needed. We believe that the animals in duty of Life Science have the right to perform their natural behaviors, and live in a spacious and stress-free environments. One of Capra Science's main missions is to keep pushing the animal care standards for laboratory animals in a positive direction.
Through scientific research and experience, we want to develop new ways of keeping animals for Life Science, and to show the community that it does not only benefit the animals and the results, but that it can be financially beneficial as well. Our aim is that our work in this area results in new animal keeping standards in the future.
As long as animals are needed for scientific purposes, Capra Science is not in favor for prohibiting all animal research in Europe and North America, a topic often discussed. The consequence would likely be that animal experiments would be moved outside Europe or North America, where the transparency is often limited and regulations are poorly implemented.
Our mission is to continuously develop our facilities and out-door areas to allow the best possible animal care on the world market.
Through scientific research and experience, we want to develop new ways of keeping animals for Life Science, and to show the community that it does not only benefit the animals and the results, but that it can be financially beneficial as well. Our aim is that our work in this area results in new animal keeping standards in the future.
As long as animals are needed for scientific purposes, Capra Science is not in favor for prohibiting all animal research in Europe and North America, a topic often discussed. The consequence would likely be that animal experiments would be moved outside Europe or North America, where the transparency is often limited and regulations are poorly implemented.
Our mission is to continuously develop our facilities and out-door areas to allow the best possible animal care on the world market.
What We Are Doing Now
- We are constantly improving the Capra Science Immunization Program™ to make it as gentle for the animals as possible while also optimizing for antibody yield, antibody affinity and lower background.
- We are showing the Life Science community that putting the animal care high on the agenda is good business. We hope this rubs off.
- We are publishing our formula for optimal animal care for antibody production to make it available for other producers to follow.
- We are creating public awareness about the fact that animals in duty of life science are sometimes necessary. We are also showing that these animals can in fact have a nice living environment.
- Our work does not focus on meeting the Swedish regulation and EU Directive, but going beyond and aiming to set new landmarks for animal care.
- As a general guideline, we apply the Three Rs (3Rs) created by Russel and Burch in 1959. The idea behind 3Rs is that laboratory animals should be Reduced in number whenever possible, and methods should be Refined to enhance animal welfare or Replaced with in vitro-methods (for example cell culture) whenever possible.
- We contribute to biodiversity. Currently we are helping to save an almost extinct Swedish goat breed (Svensk lantrasget). Today we house one of the biggest herds in the nation, which creates a well-needed gene bank for this species.